
Budgeting is a critical process for any company, as it helps determine the allocation of resources, track expenses, and ultimately achieve financial goals. The process of budgeting can often be overwhelming and complex, with many competing priorities and constraints to consider. However, by applying a strategic and focused approach to budgeting, companies can achieve better results and create a sustainable path towards success. One such approach is flywheel thinking, a popular and powerful business strategy that emphasizes the use of small, deliberate and consistent actions to drive sustainable change.

The concept of flywheel thinking was first introduced by Jim Collins in his book “Good to Great”. In the book, Collins argues that sustained success requires a focused, persistent, and deliberate effort, similar to the slow and steady effort required to start a flywheel spinning. Once the flywheel is spinning, momentum builds and progress becomes easier. The same principle can be applied to the budgeting process, where small and focused actions can lead to a virtuous cycle of progress and success.

Flywheel thinking can be applied to many areas of business, including budgeting. By using this approach, companies can create a more effective, focused, and sustainable budget that aligns with their goals and objectives. The flywheel approach to budgeting involves identifying the key drivers of success, allocating resources strategically, monitoring progress, and making course corrections as needed. Through a combination of persistence, discipline, and focused action, companies can create a flywheel of momentum and success in their budgeting process.

In this essay, we will explore the concept of flywheel thinking and how it can be applied to the budgeting process to create a more effective, focused, and sustainable budget. By examining the key elements of flywheel thinking, we will provide insights and strategies for companies looking to create a budget that drives real change and supports their goals and objectives.

Identifying Key Drivers of Success

The first step in applying flywheel thinking to the budgeting process is to identify the key drivers of success. These are the critical factors that determine the overall success of the company, and will have the greatest impact on the budget. Companies need to determine what these drivers are for their specific business, as they will vary depending on the industry, goals, and objectives. For example, the key drivers for a software company may be research and development, while the key drivers for a retail company may be sales and marketing.

Once the key drivers of success have been identified, companies can then allocate resources accordingly. This is a critical step, as it ensures that the budget is focused on the areas that will have the greatest impact on the company’s success. By allocating resources to the key drivers, companies can maximize their impact and achieve better results.

It is also important to monitor and evaluate the impact of the budget on the key drivers of success. Companies need to have a clear understanding of the results they are achieving, and make any necessary adjustments to the budget to ensure that it continues to support the key drivers. This is a continuous process, as the key drivers may change over time and the budget will need to be updated accordingly.

In order to identify the key drivers of success, companies need to take a strategic and focused approach. This requires careful analysis and research, as well as collaboration between different departments and stakeholders. By working together, companies can create a budget that aligns with their goals and objectives, and maximizes their impact on the key drivers of success.

“Two stacks of stones place near a river”

Allocating Resources Strategically

Once the key drivers of success have been identified, companies can then allocate resources accordingly. This is a critical step, as it ensures that the budget is focused on the areas that will have the greatest impact on the company’s success. Companies should consider both their current resources and future plans when allocating resources, as this will ensure that they have the resources they need to achieve their goals and support their key drivers of success.

When allocating resources, companies need to take a balanced approach, considering both short-term and long-term priorities. For example, a company may need to allocate additional resources to research and development to support the development of new products, but also need to allocate resources to sales and marketing to drive growth and increase revenue.

Another important factor to consider when allocating resources is the impact of the budget on different departments and stakeholders. Companies need to ensure that the budget supports the needs of each department, and that all stakeholders are aligned with the company’s goals and objectives. This requires careful communication and collaboration, as well as a willingness to make changes as needed to ensure that the budget supports the company’s success.

In order to allocate resources effectively, companies need to be strategic and focused. This requires a clear understanding of the key drivers of success, and a commitment to aligning the budget with the company’s goals and objectives. By allocating resources strategically, companies can maximize their impact and achieve better results.

Monitoring Progress and Making Course Corrections

Monitoring progress and making course corrections is an ongoing process when applying flywheel thinking to the budget. Companies need to regularly review their budget to ensure that it is aligned with their goals and objectives, and that it supports the key drivers of success. This requires a clear understanding of the results that are being achieved, as well as the impact of the budget on different departments and stakeholders.

If necessary, companies should make course corrections to their budget to ensure that it continues to support the key drivers of success. This may involve adjusting the allocation of resources, or making changes to the budget to reflect changes in the business environment. Companies need to be flexible and willing to make changes as needed, as this will ensure that the budget remains aligned with their goals and objectives.

Another important aspect of monitoring progress is tracking expenses and comparing them to the budget. Companies need to ensure that they are staying within their budget, and making any necessary adjustments to control expenses. This requires careful monitoring and analysis, as well as a commitment to controlling costs and maximizing value.

In order to monitor progress effectively, companies need to have a clear understanding of their goals and objectives, as well as the key drivers of success. This requires careful analysis and research, as well as collaboration between different departments and stakeholders. By monitoring progress and making course corrections as needed, companies can ensure that their budget remains aligned with their goals and objectives, and that they continue to achieve the results they want.


Applying flywheel thinking to the budget is a powerful approach that can help companies achieve better results and reach their goals. By identifying the key drivers of success, allocating resources strategically, and monitoring progress and making course corrections, companies can ensure that their budget supports their goals and objectives, and that they are able to maximize their impact.

Flywheel thinking is a holistic approach that takes into account all aspects of the budget, and ensures that the budget is aligned with the company’s goals and objectives. This approach requires careful analysis and research, as well as collaboration and communication between different departments and stakeholders. However, the benefits of flywheel thinking are clear: companies are able to achieve better results, and maximize the impact of their budget.

In today’s fast-paced business environment, companies need to be flexible and adaptive. By applying flywheel thinking to their budget, companies can ensure that they are able to respond to changes in the business environment, and continue to achieve the results they want. This approach requires a commitment to ongoing monitoring and analysis, as well as a willingness to make changes as needed. But for companies that are committed to success, the rewards of flywheel thinking are clear: a more effective budget, and a brighter future.