10 Tips to Keep Income Flowing - Updated for 2024!

Penny-pinching, while admirable, is only one slice of the personal finance pie. Sure, I’m all about snagging a deal or two. But let’s be real, scrimping can only get us so far. It’s all about the greenbacks, folks. You can’t squirrel away what you haven’t pocketed first! Picture this: a bucket brimming with water, just sitting there. You could run around, plugging holes, but guess what? That water’s going to evaporate over time....

December 1, 2023 · 4 min

Don’t Pay Cash – Just Charge it on a Credit Card Instead!

In the financial realm, there’s an old adage: “Cash is king.” This saying implies that having cashon hand puts you in a better position than promising future payments. Think about it – isn’t it more appealing to sell to someone who pays upfront in cash than to someone who offers to pay the same amount later? On the flip side, as consumers, many still cling to cash payments. The mere thought of swiping a credit card for purchases can send a few into a state of unease, riddled with worries about spiraling into debt....

November 29, 2023 · 4 min
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Google Sheets as Financial Planners

In the labyrinth of personal finance, the once-gated gardens of wealth management are now open fields, thanks to the unassuming hero: Google Sheets. This digital ledger, a staple of the Silicon Valley giant’s suite, has become the go-to for penny pinchers and investment gurus alike. It’s a brave new world where the secrets of finance are no longer whispered in the hallowed halls of Wall Street but shouted from the digital rooftops....

September 9, 2023 · 14 min

Thinking Like Entrepreneur While Being an Employee

When we’re at work, we are employees paid to take care of certain responsibilities. Your salary, or your wage, is what you get to fulfill your role for your employer. In this sense, we are employees – and not entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, I’ve been thinking that we are all entrepreneurs in one sense or another. Regardless of what we do, or even to some degree what we do for our employers, we’re entrepreneurs cloaked as employees....

September 3, 2023 · 3 min

Tips on How to Use Linkedin to Grow Career

Most people are on a quest to enhance their income, and a significant aspect of this journey is successfully navigating one’s career. This could entail various stages such as embarking on your first job, transitioning between industries, climbing the ladder within your current field, or even building a robust network for future opportunities. A strategy I’ve previously discussed is job hunting online, specifically focusing on platforms like LinkedIn. As requested by a commenter in one of my past posts, here’s an in-depth look at how LinkedIn can be a catalyst for your career growth....

July 7, 2023 · 4 min
man and woman negotiating salary over table

Master the Art of Salary Negotiation: Real-Life Examples

The Dreaded “What’s Your Expected Compensation?” Question First Negotiation Round Yes, there are at least two rounds of salary negotiations: during the initial interview process and when the offer is made. Take advantage of both, as they have different goals. First round during the initial interview stage: Ensure you make the cutoff based on salary range while asking for as much as possible. Second round when the offer is made: Ask for even more now that they got to know you and like you enough to make an offer....

May 7, 2023 · 8 min
man looking at an empty wallet

The Struggle of Managing Finances on a Low Income

In today’s economy, many people find themselves working multiple jobs and still struggling to make ends meet. Let’s take a look at the case of a person living in an expensive city like San Diego, working two jobs, and barely making $2600 a month after taxes. With rent, phone bills, insurance, credit card and loan payments, groceries, and gas, they find themselves over their income by a few hundred dollars every month....

May 5, 2023 · 6 min

What to Do With Side Income - Updated for 2024!

Side income has become an even more prominent topic in the world of personal finance. With the rise of the gig economy and online platforms, more people than ever are exploring ways to earn extra cash. Whether you’re a seasoned side hustler or just starting out, the question remains: what should you do with that extra income? Handling Side Income in Your Budget In 2024, the approach to managing side income continues to evolve, adapting to new economic realities and opportunities....

May 2, 2023 · 3 min
coins in a jar

What is the Difference Between Frugal and Thrifty?

TLDR; Both frugal and thrifty people want to save money, but they do it in different ways. Frugal people look for the best deal, while thrifty people try to make the most of what they already have. Introduction When it comes to managing our finances, we often hear the terms “frugal” and “thrifty” thrown around. On the surface, they may seem synonymous, but there is a subtle distinction between the two that can make all the difference in our spending habits....

April 30, 2023 · 7 min
man sitting on a couch looking down

Why is personal finance dependent upon your behavior?

The Psychology of Money Understanding the Mindset Personal finance is dependent on behavior, primarily due to the psychology of money. Our thoughts and beliefs about money shape our financial decisions. For instance, having a scarcity mindset often leads to saving money and avoiding non-essential purchases. In contrast, an abundance mindset may encourage risk-taking and investing in high-return opportunities. By understanding and evaluating your money mindset, you can make better financial choices that align with your long-term goals....

April 7, 2023 · 6 min